Thousands of veterans will spend this Christmas lonely and isolated.  Battling mental trauma. In constant pain. Living with disability. 

Please take a few minutes to write them a message of support to thank them for their service and to let them know they’re not forgotten. These messages will be shared with veterans.

If you're a veteran or family member and you're finding life tough, there are many ways we can help. Click on the Get Support button at the top of the page to get in touch today. 

A True Hero

A Daughter, Grand-Daughter, Sister, Niece And Cousin Of Veterans.

Thank You, Thank You More Than I Could Even Explain For Your Courage, Bravery, Dedication, Discipline, Sacrifice And Strength. For All You Have Trained, Studied And Worked Hard To Help, To Save And To Fight Always For Safety, Justice And A Chance Af Life For So Many That Otherwise May Not Have Been Given That Opportunity. Thank You For Believing In Kindness, For Valuing The Lives Of Others At All Costs. You Are Praised Every Day In The Lives, Memories And Chances Given To So Many. A Hero.

A True Hero